Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Selecting the Champion of Justice

Champion of Justice Ranks
1. Nelson Mandela
2. Nicanor Perlas
3. Walden Bello
Nelson Mandela is a Champion of Justice who has been elected president of the ANC, (African National Congress) at the first national conference at the ANC. Nelson was put on trial for betrayal of the country and was considered innocent in 1961. Nelson was sentenced to life imprisonment because he had overthrown the government by violence. While Nelson was in prison, his status grew; he was proudly accepted as the black leader of South Africa and he is a strong symbol (the symbol will be on Homework #4, if Nelson Mandela is selected to be my Champion of Justice) that represents fine resistance as the fine-apartheid movement gathered strength.
Source: "Nelson Mandela - Biography." Nobelprize.org. Web. 30 Nov. 2009. .

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