Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Letter Response

In this forum, students who asked questions will get responses from the story in the Handout. Students in this forum will respond to questions asked by students and impersonate as the person in the story. For other responses from other students, see the comments section of this post.
Here is your contribution to the forum: Letter to Tadashi Tei
Dear Tadashi,
Funny that you should ask about the government. I have to admit, the government is very cruel. So yes, I dislike their behavior. They came on various transportation: by car, by tanks, by horse, by camel, and on foot. There were so many casualties in the village. The militia group additionally burned our houses, and stole our food. We had nothing to survive the threat. Fortunately, I escaped - the battle was so terrible. Some girls and women were kidnapped; some were never seen again.
To answer your second question, the government-linked militia group attacked our village for food, our livestock, and our properties. Not only that, but the reason they attacked us is to terrify us. Maybe, they should also attack us to recruit more people in their army, acquire materials and weapons, and to expand their territory.
Finally, the relationship between our village and government, you ask, I believe that they are hostile. They just want to obtain more items for weapons, more food, and recruit more people into their army. They additionally wanted to terrorize us. The reason why they attack our village, I think I explained that before. It is just that I don't understand the government very much and they shouldn't attack any village at all. They should spend their taxes (In fact, the government has money, so why not spend them?) for the food, the weapons, and to recruit people into the army.
Thank you for asking Tadashi, this is what I believe.


  1. This comment was a reply for Sean Limzon:
    This replied message was for Tadashi Tei. This is his original message:
    Hello Mohammed, my name is Tadashi Tei. I am 14 years old. Do you mind asking the questions?
    Firstly, do you hate government? The reasons why I asked this question is the government-linked militia group had attacked your village so do you blame government on these happenings.
    Secondly, why your village has attacked by government-linked militia group? Do you think that the reason why government's army attacked your village to make more bigger territory, get materials as weapons, or get more troops?
    At last, what was the relationship between your village and government? I think there are reasons why the government-linked militia group attacked your village.

  2. Letter Response to Angelo Ngkaion from Robyn Shan (plays as Aisha)
    Dear Angelo,
    Thank you for your letter. I appreciate the initiative you took to write that letter to me. Answering your questions, I felt a lot of hatred towards the rebels that destroyed my village and chopped of my mother's and my hand but there is no point in holding a grudge against them. Therefore, I have forgiven those rebels for what they did. They probably had reasoning for it that I will never understand. The rebels only cut of one of my hand's and one of my mother's hands. They cut it off at the wrists.
    No, Angelo. I have never thought about the other people that the same thing has happened to. Now, thinking about them really makes me realize that I'm not alone and that I can relate to many other people around me. There were no problems entering Guinea because my family and I didn't enter it legally. We had to sneak into Guinea because we didn't have passports or money. We could have been caught but we stayed at the border of Guinea where no one would really search.
    Once again, thank you for your well thought out questions. At the time of the conflict, I felt very scared and alone. I thought I would never be able to survive after my mother died but I never gave up. Take some advice, Angelo, in no matter what you do, never give up because in the end, you will always succeed.
    Aisha :)

  3. Letter Response to Samantha Baker from Julius Aaron Utama (plays as Margaret)
    Dear Samantha,
    Thank you so much for writing this letter to me. It really made me happy since there really is someone out there who understands how i feel in such a situation.
    The answer to your question is Yes. My family and a few other village members sought refuge in the wilderness. Although, we remain spread out to ensure that when one family gets spotted, the others won't. My family received information (well, the rumor) from a village member who, at first sought refuge in another village on the other side of the jungle, came back across the jungle after he heard news from the other village, where he (in the jungle), met us and told us about it. I went a day after he headed off to the village. I suppose he was murdered as well.
    Thank you once again for writing and caring about me and this hard situation i'm in. It really means a lot to me...
    Hoping for the better,

  4. Letter to Rahul Vasandani from Misato Matsumura (plays as Aisha)
    Dear Rahul:
    Thank you for your warm and heartfelt letter. I am glad you have been interested in my experience over the conflict in our country. Also, I am very sorry to hear that your grand mother passed away.
    Answering your question as to how I felt when I knew it was all over, I would like you to know conflict between the government and rebel force was ended, however, victims’ feelings have never been cured. I do not believe it was all over. I will never forget and forgive such inhumane treatment.
    After conflict, I have spent times to cry over and over again. It was hard to get over the deep sorrow like you had at your grand mother’s departure. But, finally, I decided to live for my mother because I have a mission to promise with my mom. It is to share my experience with many people in the world so that such tragedy will never happen again. I was very shocked that a small boy did cut my hand. However, I do not hate him, but I hate adults to force the boy to do that.
    I will keep sharing this story, because I believe my mom will be happy and smile if we have a peaceful world without war and conflict someday.

  5. Letter Response to Andrew Jinwoo Byun from Nikhil R Kumar (plays as Margaret)
    Dear Jin Woo,
    Thank you for your well thought out letter, I'm glad to see that I have people out there who care about me. Well Jin Woo there are a lot of movies about this conflict, however, the sad thing is, no one does anything about them. We have tried so much to get attention and aid from foreign countries but unfortunately very little is being done. I'm glad that my story has made you think about you're actions, but wanting things isn't a bad thing, it's natural to want things, there are people out there though who need things that are less important to you.
    I haven't exactly 'forgiven' the rebels. I just faced the reality, and that is , my legs are never going to grow back and if I don't accept this it's going to be bad for both my family and myself.
    Before the conflict I used to trade inexpensive food items such as grains and things I would find lying around. I also sold various African ornaments which I would spend days making. Even so, these didn't fetch a hefty price on the market. I find the fact that if I were to sell these to another company, they would make 10 to 15 times more money than me. The RUF probably erupted into war because of the weak government, their main goal is to overthrow the government and gain control. Terrorism is also one of their goals. Well when my legs got amputated I was more worried for my family than I was for myself. They tried to hit my husband but for some reason stopped. I felt terrible more or less because I lost my home, and it would never be the same. I wish I could change what happened... but I can't

  6. Letter Response to Aditi Babel from Brianna Shaw (plays as Chea)
    Dear Aditi,
    Thank you for writing me, even though its kind-of hard to talk about. Well, you see, my mom was just at the market, so she just saw the soldiers coming from a distance. Then she came running home to me. I was scared when I found out. at first it didn't seem real, like it couldn't be happening. Then my mom gave me a shove back into reality.
    Yes, lots of us fled, if we could. For some it was too late, and others they were just too slow. We lived close enough to see each other kind-of regularly, but they were worried to death, for us and themselves.
    When he told us that we were terrified. All of us. And though my parents tried to calm us down, they were just as panicked and afraid. We fought, but it didn't help much. They still dragged us away from each other. I wouldn't know what happened to my siblings, I think that they did have to train some, but it was mainly just to be servants and such.
    When the Vietnamese came, I was relieved. I thought that they had finaly come to save us. But no. My uncle stayed behind because he wanted to see if he could hide, then try to come and rescue us later. No, my siblings weren't released.
    I don't know where he was buried, I didn't go along to help. My mother wouldn't allow me too. Yes, they returned to get their people back, us. The Vietnamese tried to stop them, but it was unexpected.
    Yes, the bullet. The worst part. I was unconscious, but I think it was my parents and some nurses. No, it wasn't. There were a few times when I was sure it would be, but it wasn't. They cleaned my wound and sewed it up.
    The Vietnamese were a little better, but barely. It took about 5-6 months to get there, but that's because we mainly walked. Just our family went along. It changed my life forever. I was more forgiving than I thought I would be. I was the counselor in my family. But I kept it all bottled inside. Finally an adult talked to me, and I was ok. She was a nurse, and I am forever grateful to her.
    Thank you and your welcome,

  7. Letter Response to Dong Woo Kang from Andrew Jinwoo Byun (play as Chea)
    Hi Dong woo!
    Before I start to talk about anything else, I sincerely thank you, for comforting me, and concerning about me. It's still extremely creapy when I think about that civil war occurred in Cambodia and all those events, incidents happened to me. You asked me that how I felt when I was in the labor camp by force with my brothers and sister. First when I was seperated with my parents, proceeding to the labor camp, I felt my heart geeting torn, becuase I thought I will never, ever meet them again. But at least, I was relieved that my siblings were with me. At the labor camp, we had to suffer in labor down the glaring sun for thewhole day. For me it was severly a pain day by day, and just wanted to commit suicide, but the hope that I will meet my parnets, seized me. The enviorment of the labor camp was absurdly miserable. First, I, with my siblings, had to work for the whole day under the sun, but insufficent sleep. secondly, the supervisers which were the Khmer Roouge soldiers, physically tortured us by kicking, punching, stealling (as you read in my story one of brother, was axed, because he revolted against the soldier who was trying to steal his watch). Thirdly, Because I was a girl, also including the other girls in labor camp, I was sexually abused by the Khmer Roouge slodiers, and if I rejected them, they tortured me. These three enviroment in labor camp lead enormous amount of people to death. Anyway, later when I and my survived siblings in labor camp were saved from the Vietnamese slodiers, and met my parents agian I was so happy, and thought it was the end of the war. However, this happiness didn't last long. The Khmer Roouge invaded the territory again, and in the process of evacuating, unfortuantely, I got shot in my leg. You also asked my how I felt, thoguht At this point. When I was shot, I really thought its the end of my life, and felt very miserable why I have to go through these kind of situations. You asked me after the treatment of my leg, what I was going to do. I had no plan, and I was just our of mind.
    After, when war ended, I was happy, but not a lot, because,war brought death to my brothers, torture, loss of my familys property. Once again I felt very miserable. This war made me to realized, think human rights, and how miserable, scary war is. Now I'm happy in Thiland with my family, and we are all working hard to supprot each other. I wish there was no more war in the world, so that there won't be people like me anymore.
    Dong Woo I think this would've help you a lot and resolve your question about me. I also hope you be safe all the time and have no problems in your life.

  8. Letter Response to Juan Anugraha Djuwadi from Jonathan Greyham Beech (plays as Aisha)
    Dear Juan,
    Thank you for your concern. My imediate family is fine although were shaken up when they first saw my hand... missing. Although its been almost 20 years and im already 32 i have yet to find a husband, nobody wants a wife that has only one arm while they could pick from the hundred of other perfectly good ones. After my mother died and the CDF left i settled into an amputee camp. They are good to me here. i still live here as the community helps us amputees as finding jobs are very difficult. i currently work with a two-handed person by selling the clothing she makes at the market, i don't earn much but i like to do my part as it doesn't seem fair to myself or the people helping me if i don't do anything. Losing my mother was soo hard for me, i didn't want her to die. I too hope she is in a better place without fights and war.
    i don't understand this concept of calling you or what a "phone"? is. But i assume that its a good thing to use to contact you.
    Your friend,


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