Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Own Perspective on the Implicit Test

For my test, I took the Religion Implicit Test. The ranks of the religions are placed in a positive to negative scale. What I have learned was the other religions basic concepts. For instance, Abraham was the founder of Judaism and the Judaism is the religion of the Jews. This religion has its basis in the Bible and the Talmud. In Judaism, God is the creator of everything and the source of all goodness. (www.microsoftoffice.com)
My results:
Most positive on Christianity
Moderately positive on Islam
Partially positive on Judaism
Neutral/partially negative on Hinduism
Maybe the results were this way to indicate how well the person knows their religion. If they were fast on knowing their religion, that religion shall be considered most positive on their results graph. It may be biased in some way because the graph may not interpret the person exactly true, but close to what it gets.

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