Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Poverty Simulation

1. How did it feel to be poor?
Being unfortunate and poor is tough work and tiring as you need money to survive. Like in the poverty simulation, we had to make paper bags on the road, not in a cold AC room. Poor people do not have these appliances! Getting a job works for starters, but sometimes the weathering can strike and can cause sicknesses to some members of the family.
2. Do you have a better understanding about poverty? What specifically did you learn from the simulation?
Poverty is simply starting off with no or a little quantity of money, a poor quantity of income, and simply have lack of wealth to purchase essential items such as food, clothing, and housing. What I learned specifically from the simulation was that if you work more, hopefully you will earn more money. Being sick prevents you from working, and requires money to cure the sickness.
3. Is poverty just about not having money? If not, what else is involved?
Yes, Poverty is just when you have a lack of money. Poverty is when you are powerless to buy the vital main three essential items: food, clothes, and housing.
4. Who had the most and least power in the simulation?
The families who had more children/members had the most power because they cooperated very effectively and earned plenty of cash. Less powerful families consist of families that have a few children, thus, causing the income to be in a small quantity.
5. What are possible (and realistic) ways out of poverty for those like the paper bag makers and millions of others in their situation in the world today? Remember almost one billion people in the world live on less than a dollar a day.
Begging, stealing, living with friends, and living on the streets are worst ways to get out of poverty. Why? Begging might help you earn some money, but people who are richer tend to ignore and reject you and want the money for themselves. Stealing money or food is helpful to your family, but it is illegal to steal, and you could end up in prison. Living with friends may help you get out of poverty, but you may not have your children to have education. Maybe your friends will just welcome you to stay, but not pay for your family. Living on the streets is the worst plan ever. The roads are bumpy and coarse, which causes difficulty in sleeping. Therefore, the best way to get out of poverty, is to get a job that pays. If you are able to earn tons of money in that job, you may be able to get out of poverty and also survive by buying food, clothes, and a place where your family can reside.
After the poverty game: My name is Sean Limzon and I am 13 years old, who will turn 14 on September 12. My family currently lives in an old house. I sleep on the floor in the house. Fortunately, my father and my mother worked on a family farm and earned a lot of money. Unfortunately, a sickness started to begin and was contagious, that it striked all members of the family. Later, we spent so much money on food, the sickness continued and our money dropped heavily. Unfortunately, everybody died of the symptoms. It was hard to earn money!
Game money summary (I only played for one year)
Starting money: 300 goud
Total money earned: 2652 goud
Total money spent: 3011 goud
Total money in possession: -59 goud

1 comment:

  1. I believe that the poverty game was very challenging and is difficult to earn money. Now we can experience the limits without wealth.


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