Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Poverty Questions

What was my definition of poverty?
My mother defines poverty as:

People who are powerless to buy the main essential items: food, clothing, and housing.
My father defines poverty as:
Deprivation of the basic humans needs: food, clothing, and shelter.
Mr. Pendell defines poverty as:
Not having access to the basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter on a daily basis.
What do you have questions about poverty?
I ask the following questions:
* Why do we live in a world that involves poverty? Why can't everyone share the wealth and have jobs, and all children have education? (this isn't related to communism)
* Why are there so many people involved in this huge problem?
* In the future, will poverty be eliminated forever? Or will this problem last forever?
My mother asks the following questions:
* Why do most countries in Africa get struck with poverty?
* Why are there still poor people in U.S., although the country is rich?

My father asks the following questions:
* How can we fight back poverty?
* What countries have the most population living under the poverty line?
Mr. Pendell asks the following questions:
* What is JIS doing to reduce poverty?
* What programs are available to reduce poverty? (e.g. orphanages)
* What is the percentage of people in Jakarta living under the poverty line?
What is the minimum wage in Jakarta, Indonesia?

Jawa Barat (Jakarta) has the minimum wage of 628,191 rupiah in the year 2009.
What feelings do you have about poverty?
What I feel about poverty is that I am fully dismayed and filled with grief, because of all the children dying without medication, no food or shelter. In addition, the children do not learn much, as they can't go to school for education.

What are some ways you think will get people out of poverty?
Remember that poverty begins without a source of income. Donation of school supplies, stationery items, (of course) money, and non-perishable food. These are for educational and health purposes. Another solution may be, the government uses taxes to help the poor as charity. Or, maybe the government may use the taxes to build a public school, and then hire teachers to teach the children how to read, write, and speak. The government can also build a health clinic in villages that are poor.


  1. Why are there so many people involved is this huge problem?

  2. In the future, will poverty be eliminated forever? Or will this problem last forever?

  3. Why do most countries in Africa get struck with poverty?

  4. Why are there still poor people in U.S., although the country is rich?

  5. Poverty is not having access to the basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter on a daily basis.

  6. What is JIS doing to reduce poverty?

  7. What programs are available to reduce poverty? (e.g. orphanages)

  8. What is the percentage of people in Jakarta living under the poverty line?

  9. Poverty is the deprivation of the basic human needs: food, shelter, and clothing.

  10. How can we fight back poverty?

  11. What countries have the most population living under the poverty line?

  12. Why does poverty even exist?

  13. How does poverty affect Indonesia?

  14. What is the government doing to stop this problem?

  15. I went to the US and saw some people homeless in Florida.

  16. I reply to Bethel Limzon's comment at the top: How can that be? This is where the question comes to life: Why does the US have people suffering under poverty even though the country is rich?

  17. I don't know the answer to the question above, that is an excellent question to ask.

  18. I don't know the answer to the above question either...

  19. How is this possible? Why does poverty even exist?

  20. I like the question that Bethel Limzon was asking, I really do not know the answer to that question.

  21. Wow! So many excellent questions that have been asked on this page. Hopefully you can get the answers to those questions in the future.

  22. the answef for bethel, why still there is poverty in US, is because the standarize of poverty in each country is different follow the economic status of their country. second, poverty is a relative things, you can said to many people in Indonesia are being poor but i will ask you, why many people in Indonesia still hang out at the mall, shopping to singapore ? no one can answer that..:(


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