Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Who is Sean Limzon

Who is Sean Limzon? I am a 16 year old student who is going to be 17 on September 12 in Jakarta International School (JIS). The computer symbol shows me as a technology geek. Now I am very serious about Grade 9 and had to stand away from my favorite games until all the work has been accomplished.
What languages does Sean speak? I can speak 3 languages. English, Spanish, and Bahasa Indonesia. My Bahasa Indonesia nearly slipped away from me because the Spanish words seem to be pushing the Bahasa words away from my brain. Therefore, I almost lost my words in Bahasa. Fortunately, I studied by looking at subtitles in TV, the Star World Channel, looking at subtitles. I thought that was an easy way to study, but I'm just still looking at them so that I can rebuild my Bahasa language dictionary.
Where does Sean come from? I come from the Philippines. I was born in Indonesia, but my father and mother decided I would be a member of the Filipino family. Unfortunately, my father did not teach me Tagalog, a language of the Philippines, (some words in Tatalog are in Spanish), so I got stuck in speaking Bahasa Indonesia.
How does Sean feel about the environment? I feel disappointed of the poor quality environment. I believe that cars that consume petroleum should be disposed into the junkyard, because it is causing pollution and global warming. Into the future, we may drown in a big ocean of water because of our acts. Technology was adapted, and cars begin to run by using electricity instead of petroleum.
When did Sean play the piano? This happened somewhere in the year 2004-2005. My mother contacted a piano teacher to teach me and my 2 brothers, Kevin and Miguel some songs. As time elapses, I begin to be more experienced in playing the instrument. Today, the piano teacher still teaches me today, but the topic is about improvisation on the piano. Some songs also help me to review the bass clef.
Why does Sean play the violin? My mother decided to purchase me a violin, as she believes that I can be talented in music, and I agreed. Fortunately, there was a violin teacher to teach me, and I learn a lot from Mr. Osi. Thus, the reason why do I play the violin, is because I am super talented, and can be famous in an orchestra or other show.


  1. This is an introduction to the Online Text homework, Poverty Unit opener. We learned how to use Moodle now!

  2. The description of all the labels in the blog are here:
    * Online Text - Provides the assignment above and allows your to place your answer in the answer box provided. You will NOT be able to see other contributors to that particular assignment. This is the same as a Journal Entry. However, in Online Text, teachers can provide comments and grade your work.
    * Forum - Forums are where you can input your answers in a discussion format and allows other contributors to comment on your response. You cannot, though, edit your response after 30 minutes. You have to add another discussion topic to re-edit the previous response. You can see other contributors' responses as well.
    * Wiki - Wikis are places where you can discuss and converse with friends and co-workers. However, only 1 person can edit the Wiki at a time.
    * Journal Entry - Same as Online Text, but has a different format where it is a journal. Teachers can comment on your journal, but cannot enter a grade.


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