Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Food Security Banquet Questions

1. How did you feel about the banquet?
Answer: I take pity on the people who are in the green zone (low-income) because they only eat a bowl of rice and a tiny bottle of water.
2. Do you think it is fair that the world is divided in this way? Why or why not?
Answer: No, it is not fair that the world is divided this way because there are plenty of poor people waiting to be fed, and they perish after a few days because of starvation.
3. Do you think the people who got the big meal should help the others? Why or why not?
Answer: People in the blue (middle-income) and the black (high-income) should help the people in green (low-income) because it is stated that 50% of the world's population is in the low-income state. People who are rich tend to not care about poor people dying: they do not donate food at all. Therefore, it would be helpful to either donate cash or food to help poor people escape from starvation.
4. Do you think the cause of having a big percentage of people in the low-income group is that they do not hard? If you have other causes of this, why do you think that there is a very high percentage of people in the low-income group?
Answer: The cause of poor people in the low-income group is possibly yes, not working hard. They tend to get fired from their companies, or maybe their companies tend to give them a low-income. People who are in the green zone desires to earn a higher income, so they keep searching for a new job that pays.
5. How do our personal choices affect the world's unequal distribution of resources?
Answer: Our personal choices affect the world's unequal distribution of resources as we gain food. Some people in fast food restaurants tend to discard their leftovers. However, people in the green zone do not want to eat somebody else's leftovers. We fortunate people have their personal choices and do only seem to care about themselves, not others. We fortunate people keep our minds on other situations and events. Thus, the answer to this question is that we fortunate people DO NOT care about others who are unfortunate. The personal choices we make only affects ourselves, not the poor people of this world.
6. What might we all do to bring a fairer distribution of resources?
Answer: What we can do to help bring a fairer distribution of resources could possibly be, donation. Definitely donation of food. Make sure that it is non-perishable or last for a long duration, so that the unfortunate people may eat it, without going to be ill. It takes time to do this occasionally, but we can do this as a habit.


  1. I take pity on the people who are in the green zone (low-income) because they only eat like a bowl of rice and a tiny bottle of water.

  2. I think that this is not fair that the world is divided this way because there are plenty of poor people waiting to be fed, and they perish after a few days because of starvation.

  3. The cause of people in the low-income group is possibly yes, not working hard. They tend to get fired from their companies, or maybe their companies tend to give them a low-income. People who are in the green zone desires to earn a higher income, so they keep searching for a new job that pays.

  4. Our personal choices affect the world's unequal distribution of resources as we gain food. Some people in fast food restaurants tend to discard their leftovers. However, people in the green zone do not want to eat somebody else's leftovers. We fortunate people have their personal choices and do only seem to care about themselves, not others. We fortunate people keep our minds on other situations and events. Thus, the answer to this question is that we fortunate people DO NOT care about others who are unfortunate. The personal choices we make only affects ourselves, not the poor people of this world.

  5. What we can do to help bring a fairer distribution of resources could possibly be, donation. Definitely donation of food. Make sure that it is non-perishable or last for a long duration, so that the unfortunate people may eat it, without going to be ill. It takes time to do this occasionally, but we can do this as a habit.

  6. People in the blue (middle-income) and the black (high-income) should help the people in the green (low-income) because it is stated that 50% of the world's population is in the low-income state. People who are rich tend to not care about poor people dying: they do not donate food at all. Therefore, it would be help to either donate cash or food to help poor people escape from starvation.


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