Friday, October 2, 2009

Wiki for Food Security Presentation

This Wiki is for the Food Security Presentation. Here, you can send information to others in Moodle. This presentation will not be graded, but remarks will be shown after you do the presentation. Remember in the presentation, you must memorize your key points (or improvise) NOT reading and NOT using note cards. Note that the comments in this Wiki are chat logs. You may see other students' contributions about other questions that they have answered to learn more, but you cannot use them because they have different questions to answer, and you may have false answers for that question if you plagiarize. Therefore, keep your information into one family.


  1. For family 4: Hello, this is Sean. This is just a test message to see that I can edit on the Wiki.

  2. For family 4: Hey guys, I will be sending the revised edition of our powerpoint tonight, so do not forget to check. :) (Julius)

  3. For family 4: Hey guys, could you please also check your e-mail?

  4. For family 4: Sean, please edit and add more pictures and make sure your powerpoint is not too detailed. You should say the detailed facts and the slide should only show the most important facts.

  5. For family 4: I have sent you guys the whole powerpoint. Please send it back to me when you are done editing by 7:00 PM today. Thanks!

  6. For family 4: I sent it through my e-mail and my other e-mail. Please send it back there too. :D

  7. For family 4: All right Julius, I shall erase some information from the powerpoint to make it concise. I will try to memorize the information first, then make the powerpoint information more brief. (Sean)
    P.S. I changed the color what I say so you know that when you see this color, I was the person who typed this.

  8. For family 3: Hey guys! Is this group ours? Do I make the cover title? (Brianna)

  9. For family 5: Hey guys! These are the answers that we discussed for the questions on Handout 2.2. Feel free to change some of it.

    1. Developed countries and Latin America and the Carribean because these regions can afford better quality and more food which suggest that they are not hunger stricken countries.

    2. South Asia, Sub - Saharan Africa, South East Asia and the Pacific because they can't afford to buy high quality food or have limited/no access to good food.

    3. East Asia including China and East Asia excluding China because these regions have developed over the years and have a stronger economy now which indicates that people can support themselves better.

    4. Developed countries because from the 1970's, these countries were already developed, therefore, they have not that much of an increase in the economy.

    5. China because they account for 1/3 of East Asia's daily per capita supply of fat as they have become more developed and now are one of the fastest growing economies in the world.

    6. Developed countries because they can afford good and more food.

    7.a. Not that much room left for improvement.

    7.b. A lot of room for improvement.

  10. For family 4: Julius, check your e-mail to see my edited slides of the powerpoint. I am sorry that I sent it late... Hopefully you can use it for presenting for World Studies 3rd block.
    Are we rehearsing the presentation or do we have to rehearse it on our own? (Sean)


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