Friday, September 4, 2009

Poverty is a Serious Problem in the USA

Poverty is totally a serious problem in USA. According to my mom, there are some people in USA who live below the poverty line. There are some homeless people in New York, and a few in Florida. There should not be any people in United States living in poverty, because the US is a prosperous country. According to the encyclopedia, World Book 2000, The government classifies that approximately 14% of the population is poor. Some groups of Americans have poverty rates that have exceed that of the general population. These groups include Hispanic Americans and African Americans. Some families with lower than the average poverty rates include the elderly and two percent families. Most families can raise their incomes and can escape from poverty within a few years. However, many of the Americans who are poor are in the position of extreme poverty, lasting for a decade, or even greater. Many of these people in America, like my mother stated, are homeless, especially in New York. Poverty in the US has a variety of causes. One major causes can be that steady, well-paying jobs can be difficult to find and keep. Another causes can be that the people especially girls and women in the US, lack the education or skills needed for such jobs. Finally, there are others who cannot find jobs because they are too ill to work. Therefore, the government of America, brawls poverty using three ammunition. One, measures to improve job opportunities. Two, educational programs and three, social welfare programs.
Main Idea/Topic Sentence: Poverty is totally a serious problem in US.
Example: According to my mother, some people in the US are living under the poverty line.
Evidence: The US government classifies that approximately 14% of the population is poor.


  1. Well done on the paragraph, Sean. However, you could improve your TEEs, see more on Nikhil and Rahul's comments.

  2. Well done on the paragraph. At least you have credited your information to the correct source. This causes you to not steal information from somebody else and making it your own, also known as plagiarism. Well done!

  3. You can expand on your TEEs a bit farther to exceed standards. See Nikhil's and Rahul's comments for more information.

  4. Tadashi's Answers of Detecting Bias: Viewpoint 2 - Overpopulation does not threaten humanity's future

    1. How do you think the authors could have made their arguments more objective, less biased?

    A: They gave many examples about topic, also they accented the problem well. So they told audience to read sentences easily.

    2. Even after recognizing the author's bias, which argument did you find most convincing? Why?

    A: I thought it is time to stop listening to the naysayers like the Ehrlichs and listen to the reasoned opinion of people like Zinsmeister and Eberstadt. Much of the world is not overcrowded, it is simply poorly run, because they spoke about there ideas.

    Viewpoint 4 - Natural resources cannot support more people

    1. How do you think the authors could have made their arguments more objective, less biased?

    A: The authors got many ideas and they bundle together in a group. Also they characterize people.

    2. Even after recognizing the author's bias, which argument did you find most convincing? Why?

    A: I thought scientists who argue that the world contains enough resources should breathe the air in Mexico City, drink the water in India, or wade through the garbage on Staten Island in New York. Our Fragile earth cannot, and will not, support more people, because the authors drive an idea.

  5. Tadashi's Passage of Overpopulation in the USA: Most of American has enough necessities to live. They can eat much food than other countries also the cost of the food is not same with other countries. For example, two pounds of medium-quality steak cost about $7 in America, compared to $24 in Europe and $41 in Japan. I think nearly a billion people in the world do live in real poverty. For them, poverty American-style would seem like a luxury. And for these poor billion, poverty means there is no hope of ever being anything but poor. So anyone who is willing to work hard can find a way to out poverty. The American dream is meant to be shared by all.

    Topic sentence: Poverty is not a serious problem in America.

    Example 1: In America homes contain all the necessities and many of conveniences of modern living.

    Example 2: Americans live better than many people throughout the world.

    Evidence 1: 114 millions people have own cars.

    Evidence 2: 82% are without water in Arabia.

  6. Mr. Dickey's comment for Tadashi's Passage: Tadashi,

    Look below to improve your TEE.

    Topic sentence; Poverty is not a serious problem in America. (Good)

    Example 1: In America homes contain all the necessities and many of conveniences of modern living.

    Evidence 1: This is more of an opinion. No statistics or evidence is being shown here. Where is the author getting this evidence?

    Example 2: Americans live better than many people throughout the world.

    Evidence 2: There are no statistics or comparisons in this example. Which Americans? All Americans? What about Americans in poverty?

    Example 3: 114 millions people have own cars.

    Evidence 3: 114 million own cars. (This is a good statistic) A question I have is how does this relate to poverty?

    Example 4: 82% are without water in Arabia.

    Evidence 4: 82% is a statistic of people in Arabia. A question I have is how many Americans are without water in America. If 82% of people in Arabia are without water how do they live? We need water to survive.

  7. Mr. Dickey's Comment for Tadashi on Detecting Bias: Viewpoint 2 - Overpopulation does not threaten humanity's future

    1. How do you think the authors could have made their arguments more objective, less biased?

    A: They gave many examples about topic, also they accented the problem well. So they told audience to read sentences easily. (What do you mean? Be specific and provide examples).

    2. Even after recognizing the author's bias, which argument did you find most convincing? Why?

    A: I thought it is time to stop listening to the naysayers like the Ehrlichs and listen to the reasoned opinion of people like Zinsmeiste4r and Eberstadt. Much of the world is not overcrowded, it is simply poorly run. Because they spoke about there’s ideas. (Why do you believe this? What did they say, specifically, to convince you?)

    Viewpoint 4 - Natural resources cannot support more people

    1. How do you think the authors could have made their arguments more objective, less biased?

    A: The authors got many ideas and they bundle together in a group. Also they characterize people.

    2. Even after recognizing the author's bias, which argument did you find most convincing? Why?

    A: I thought scientists who argue that the world contains enough resources should breathe the air in Mexico City, drink the water in India, or wade through the garbage on Staten Island in New York. Our Fragile earth cannot, and will not, support more people. Because the authors drive an idea (Ok, good but what biased words are used).


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