Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Goal for Social Studies for Quarter 1

My strengths are:
* Locating topic sentences in a passage
* Writing a biased passage
* Determine whether the passage is biased or not
My areas of improvement are:
* Be more prepared present by NOT reading from slide to slide (work habits)
* Writing the evidence in TEE. Include journalistic questions if the passage has no evidence (knowledge)
My goal for Social Studies is to improve my TEEs on evidence by locating evidence and mentioning the evidence in the passage. (determine whether the passage has evidence or not) I will improve this by looking at interesting articles and locating evidence in the passage, by the end of the 3rd Unit in Social Studies.
My goal is to not throw trash at all in the rubbish/non-recycling bins. Discard trash in the recycling bins. This should be accomplished by the end of the 1st Semester. This shall help orphanages to use that recycling items for any purpose.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Wiki for Poverty Presentation

This wiki is for introducing ideas of how to alleviate poverty. You transfer questions and information through this wiki, just like in MSN. This is good to use because you know how your friends got the information and what questions do they have. You may also insert an attachment. Attachments cannot be opened here, but in Moodle, attachments can. Attachments will be written here. The conversations posts will not be posted here, but only in the comments section of this page. Therefore, if you want to add a comment here, you may, whereas this is branched to many networks. You may look in other families sections, but do not steal information from them, as that will be called plagiarism.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Why should I Care About the Poor?

I should care about the poor because there are unfortunate people out there, and we have to help them by living a better, comfortable life. The governments are even trying to help the unfortunate people in the world, but overpopulation causes more people in poverty to suffer severely in poverty. We, as fortunate people, must do anything we can to help them live. Solutions may be: making food donations (make sure that all the food donated is non-perishable) definitely cash donations, free schools and free clinics especially for the poor people. Poverty is very excrutiating and should be prevented as much as we can that we can do to help them.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Smoking Topic; Biased and Unbiased Sentences

Biased Sentences = Red
Unbiased Sentences = Blue
Smoking is the most disgusting, horrible, unhealthy way of showing off yourself into coolness. Smoking cigarettes/cigars have tobacco in them. According to Wikipedia, tobacco smoking may cause lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control; an agency in the United States), it is told that 440,000 people in US die every year by smoking. According to the World Health Organization, it estimates that tobacco killed 5.4 million people in 2004, and 100 million deaths in the 20th century. People are foolish and unaware of people who do not want to smoke. They just think it is cool and think that they find it in the popularity side, rather than the healthy side. Smoking should be prohibited everywhere and should never be used in the world.

School Uniforms, Summative Assessment Practice

Red = Topic Sentence/Main Idea
Blue = Examples
Green = Opinion
School uniforms have to be the grossest form of torture that schools inflict on kids. Do any teachers know how uncomfortable school uniforms are? AND how selfish it is that kids can’t show their own fashion sense freely instead of wearing someone else’s stupid and warped idea of what is fashion! I’m ashamed to wear my uniform anywhere except at school and even at school I feel humiliated-the only thing that makes it acceptable is that every other student has to wear the stupid clothes. Personally, I think I can choose my own clothes and should be trusted to do that. When I was allowed to choose my own clothes to wear to school, I felt a lot better. Now wearing a gross, boring and uninteresting uniform day in and day out, makes me feel like I should change schools. School kids should never have to wear uniforms.
Topic Sentence/Main Idea: School uniforms have to be the grossest form of torture that schools inflict on kids. (the author shows biased words such as grossest, torture, inflict)
Example 1: Do any teachers know how uncomfortable school uniforms are? AND how selfish it is that kids cannot show their own fashion sense freely instead of wearing someone else's stupid and warped idea of what is fashion! (the capitalized AND shows bias)
Evidence 1: There is no evidence. What clothes does it have to be to be in fashion? How can uniforms be not fashionable? How can teachers know how uncomfortable school uniforms are? Who is the someone else? You need do describe the uniform's color, and other specific details about the uniform.
Example 2: I’m ashamed to wear my uniform anywhere except at school and even at school I feel humiliated; the only thing that makes it acceptable is that every other student has to wear the stupid clothes.
Evidence 2: Once again, there is no evidence. Why is the author ashamed of wearing his/her uniform? Again, what is the uniform's color? Appearance? Material? You must describe what the uniform is.
Example 3: Now wearing a gross, boring and uninteresting uniform day in and day out, makes me feel like I should change schools. (biased; the author feels he/she should change schools if he/she wears a uniform.)
Evidence 3: THERE IS NO EVIDENCE! Why do you think uniforms are not fashionable? Why are uniforms boring and uninteresting? We do not know the appearance of the uniform; the author did not describe anything about it.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Why do Most Women Suffer in Poverty?

Why do most women suffer in poverty?
Women in poverty is very excruciating and agonizing. The first reason is that women are suffering in poverty is possibly that they have to stay in home, take care of children; or, maybe women are too sick to obtain a job. Many jobs in are unavailable for women. Unskilled women have joined the work force than ever before. The second reason is that women are unable to receive education and are illiterate. Well, according to the UNICEF program, the adult literacy percentage rate for women in the world is 66. The least developed countries for females have a literacy percentage rate of 38. This is the reason that females are incapable to obtain a job. Again, the reason for this are that the females must take care of their children or possibly they are suffering in extreme illness. Although, there are more women than men in secondary school enrollment in Latin America and the Caribbean. The ratio of males for secondary school enrollment is 52 and the ratio of females for secondary school enrollment is 56.
The solution to this problem is that the government use their taxes for public schools, especially for women. Women should be free of charge, while men are charged. The government may hire teachers who are qualified of literacy to teach the women who are illiterate. Another solution to eliminate the problem of fatigue and sickness is to open a clinic, mainly for women. The effects of this will have less women suffer in poverty. It is totally unfair for plenty of women to be suffering in poverty. Women should be successful like men.
Topic Sentence/Main Idea: Women in poverty is very excrutiating and agonizing.
Examples: Women barely received any education and unable to work.
Evidence: Literacy percentage rates for women in the world is 66%.
Loaded Words that are biased: excrutiating, agonizing, unfair

Poverty is a Serious Problem in the USA

Poverty is totally a serious problem in USA. According to my mom, there are some people in USA who live below the poverty line. There are some homeless people in New York, and a few in Florida. There should not be any people in United States living in poverty, because the US is a prosperous country. According to the encyclopedia, World Book 2000, The government classifies that approximately 14% of the population is poor. Some groups of Americans have poverty rates that have exceed that of the general population. These groups include Hispanic Americans and African Americans. Some families with lower than the average poverty rates include the elderly and two percent families. Most families can raise their incomes and can escape from poverty within a few years. However, many of the Americans who are poor are in the position of extreme poverty, lasting for a decade, or even greater. Many of these people in America, like my mother stated, are homeless, especially in New York. Poverty in the US has a variety of causes. One major causes can be that steady, well-paying jobs can be difficult to find and keep. Another causes can be that the people especially girls and women in the US, lack the education or skills needed for such jobs. Finally, there are others who cannot find jobs because they are too ill to work. Therefore, the government of America, brawls poverty using three ammunition. One, measures to improve job opportunities. Two, educational programs and three, social welfare programs.
Main Idea/Topic Sentence: Poverty is totally a serious problem in US.
Example: According to my mother, some people in the US are living under the poverty line.
Evidence: The US government classifies that approximately 14% of the population is poor.