Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Why should I Care About the Poor?

I should care about the poor because there are unfortunate people out there, and we have to help them by living a better, comfortable life. The governments are even trying to help the unfortunate people in the world, but overpopulation causes more people in poverty to suffer severely in poverty. We, as fortunate people, must do anything we can to help them live. Solutions may be: making food donations (make sure that all the food donated is non-perishable) definitely cash donations, free schools and free clinics especially for the poor people. Poverty is very excrutiating and should be prevented as much as we can that we can do to help them.

1 comment:

  1. Sean, maybe us, fortunate people, should also help the poor, not just only the government because that will take many years to have plenty of money and distribute it to the poor. An example for you can be: build an orphanage, that has a cafeteria and a school classroom, and housing for poor people.


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