Friday, September 11, 2009

Wiki for Poverty Presentation

This wiki is for introducing ideas of how to alleviate poverty. You transfer questions and information through this wiki, just like in MSN. This is good to use because you know how your friends got the information and what questions do they have. You may also insert an attachment. Attachments cannot be opened here, but in Moodle, attachments can. Attachments will be written here. The conversations posts will not be posted here, but only in the comments section of this page. Therefore, if you want to add a comment here, you may, whereas this is branched to many networks. You may look in other families sections, but do not steal information from them, as that will be called plagiarism.


  1. For family 2: Hello, I am here.

  2. For family 2: I am here too...

  3. For family 4:
    To answer this question: How does our government support health and education? Answers are on this link:
    To answer this question: What percentages of children attend primary school? Answers are on this link:
    To answer this question: What has our government done to support education? Answers are on this link:
    To answer this question: What percentage can read (adult literacy rate)? Answers are on this link:
    To answer this question: How many people are trained as teachers? Answers are on this link:
    To answer this question: How is the government going to pay for school uniforms? Answers are on this link:
    To answer this question: How will education help people out of poverty? Answers are on this link:
    To answer this question: What is the percentage of children who are illiterate? Answers are on this link:

  4. For family 6: I am here, ready to start with the poverty project. Start sending information, and I will start on the research on the web.

  5. For family 1: Hey, it's Shannon.

  6. For family 4: Hey, I am here.

  7. For family 4: What percentages of people live below the national poverty line? Answers are on this link:

  8. For family 4: I get information.
    To answer this question: How does our government support health and education? Answers are on this link:
    To answer this question: What percentages of children attend primary school? Answers are on this link:
    To answer this question: What has our government done to support education? Answers are on this link:
    To answer this question: How much does the government spend on population? Answers are on this link:
    To answer this question: What percentage of adults can read (adult literacy rate)? Answers are on this link:
    To answer this question: How many people are trained as teachers? Answers are on this link:
    To answer this question: How is the government going to pay for school uniforms? Answers are on this link:
    To answer this question: How will education help people out of poverty? Answers are on this link:
    To answer this question: What is the percentage of children who are illiterate? Answers are on this link:

  9. For family 4: I am here now. (Tadashi)

  10. For family 2: Hello, I am here. (Ryan)

  11. For family 2: Laurel is here... :)

  12. Rahul, I need those planning agendas that you have made last Thursday for the 6 Step Reseach here so I can start research on one of those questions; thank you.

  13. For family 1: Hey, it's Sam. :)

  14. For family 3: Hey guys... just checking out how this Wiki works. We have decided to focus on education to alleviate poverty. We need as much information as we can get. We can look on Google, Moodle, the library catalog or Nettrekker for information.

  15. For family 1: Hi, this is Juan. I answer the questions and obtained information.
    The GDP per capital of Indonesia is $3,900 estimated in the year 2008. This estimation is increasing than the years before, meaning Indonesia is slowly developing its prosperity.
    Approximately 17.8% of Indonesia's population live below the poverty line in the year 2006, but I believe has a lower percentage due to the results shown in the GDP.
    Children attend primary school at a rate of 90%. Although, 79% of the students complete six years of primary school and only 55% go to Junior High.
    The adult literacy rate of Indonesia is approximately 90.4%. the males having approximately 94% of the population that can read and write, and females having approximately 86.8% of this population in the year 2004.
    Population that is accessible to safe water is about 62% in the year 1990 and 1996.
    Sources of where I obtained the information:
    This source shows a significant amount of statistics and background information.
    This source shows much about Indonesia's children, their school and information about their poverty life.
    * Handout 8 given by Mr. Dickey
    Check it out.

  16. For family 3: Hey... My Wiki page works.

  17. For family 4: Got here. (Jon Beech)

  18. For family 4: I'm here. (Natasha)

  19. For family 4: I am here now. (Tadashi) What do I have to do now? (Tadashi)

  20. For family 5: Hi, this is Angelo. I sort of know how to use it now... :) Remember to fill in that big 6 worksheet thing.

  21. For family 6: (Rahul has posted an attachment on the Wiki. The document is the Big 6 Step Research Agenda. The document is only available in Moodle, and cannot be shown here.)

  22. For family 6: Okay, I am here, just tell me what to do and then I can help. But, right now I am not understanding... So, tell me what to do and I'll do whatever. (Brianna)

  23. For family 6: Okay, there is some information for answering the 4th question: What are aid organizations doing to assist poor people in the country? Try this website:,,contentMDK:20176969~hlPK:385022~menuPK:382201~pagePK:1497618~piPK:217854~theSitePK:226309,00.html
    If you don't like it, you don't have to include the information from here, this is just what I have found, there is a little information on Indonesia.

  24. For family 6: Hey, I have found this awesome website about Education in Indonesia, it has a lot of statistics! Check this out:,,contentMDK:21521167~pagePK:141137~piPK:141127~theSitePK:226309,00.html
    Take a look in the website. You may or may not add it to the 6 Big Step sheet on the best sources to find information, on the "Locate" step.

  25. For family 4: Yeah! I can write now! Hello, I am here. Do you miss me? (Dong Woo)

  26. For family 2: Ditto... (Nikhil)

  27. For family 1: Yo... Yusuf... and yeah... and this is some of my answers for number 8-12... This one is for number 8. (Yusuf has posted an attachment of a website onto the Wiki. You cannot see it here, only on Moodle.)

  28. For family 2: This is a good site. (Ryan)

  29. For family 2: This website is good for our question: What can we do to stop this? (Laurel),,contentMDK:21152026~menuPK:224605~pagePK:2865066~piPK:2865079~theSitePK:226309,00.html

  30. For family 2: This website is good for minimum wage in Indonesia. (Ryan and Nikhil)

  31. For family 2: This site is good for the causes of poverty. (Nikhil)

  32. For family 2: This is good information on the issues taken from They are listed here. (Julius)
    For HIV/AIDS:
    For hunger:
    For education:
    For water:

  33. For family 2: (Laurel has posted a website on the Moodle page. You cannot see it here, only on Moodle.)

  34. For family 2: Oh, I took the website from this link:,,contentMDK:21152026~menuPK:224605~pagePK:2865066~piPK:2865079~theSitePK:226309,00.html (Laurel) (This message goes for the website for the above comment, which cannot be displayed in this blog.)

  35. For family 2: The below diagram shows briefly how money gets from you to an entrepreneur, and back. (Julius has posted a website and a diagram. The website cannot be displayed here as it will wreck the whole content in the comments page. The website is only displayed in Moodle.) (Julius)

  36. For family 2: Oh, I got that information from

  37. For family 2: The Convention on the Rights of the Child says that all children have the right to a good primary education and should have equal access to secondary education (Article 28).
    Around the world, more than 115 million children of primary-school age are not in school.
    During the 1990s, the proportion of children attending primary school increased slightly – from 80 per cent to 82 per cent. However, because the world's population has increased, the total number of children not in school has stayed about the same, at around 120 million.

    Around the world, more than 115 million children of primary-school age are not in school.

    Nearly 53 per cent of the children currently not in primary school are girls. The gender gap is even bigger in some countries of the world, and is often even bigger in secondary schools.
    Some of the main reasons why so many children are not currently in primary school include:
    Poverty: families may have difficulty affording school fees or the cost of uniforms, or may need children to work to contribute to the family income
    Safety: families may keep their children at home if they feel the journey to school is too long or that it's dangerous to walk to school alone. They may also be worried about bullying and sexual harassment or violence, especially for girls.
    Local traditions: in some countries, families place more emphasis on the education of boys, and may not believe it is important to send their daughters to school. Girls may also be forced to marry young, drop out of school, and dedicate themselves to housework.
    Emergencies, such as conflict, economic crises and natural disasters, prevent millions of children around the world from getting an education.
    Uneducated girls grow up to be disadvantaged women. For instance, more than half (64 per cent) of the 771 million adults in the world who cannot read or write are women. Without an education, women have fewer employment options and often earn less than men. In fact, on average, women earn only three-quarters of what men earn.
    The United Nations Millennium Development Goals set the target of making equal rights to education a reality preferably by the year 2005, and definitely by 2015.
    The United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Children, held in May 2002, set the interim target of getting 90 per cent of children into primary school by 2010.
    To help achieve equal access to school for girls and boys, UNICEF is focusing its efforts in 25 countries – of which 15 are in Africa and 6 in South Asia – where urgent help is required.
    Education is not just a good thing in itself. The evidence shows that it is crucial to reducing poverty, improving general health, halting the spread of HIV and AIDS, and enabling people to play a full part in their communities and nations.
    (Julius has got this information and possesses this information from DO NOT copy the whole information because that will be considered as plagiarism. You may take the information, but you have to paraphrase it into your own words, very differently than the one shown here from Julius.)

  38. For family 2: The Convention on the Rights of a Child devotes two articles specifically to education. (Julius has posted two articles in Moodle, and cannot be shown here. The articles are only available in Moodle.)

  39. Ryan Tumewu and Nikhil R KumarTuesday, September 15, 2009 6:21:00 PM

    For family 2: This graph is taken from the World Bank! (Ryan and Nikhil has posted a line graph on Moodle. The graph cannot be displayed here because it can wreck the contents of the comment page. The graph can only be shown in Moodle.)

  40. For family 2: (Ryan has posted a website on Moodle. The website cannot be displayed here. The website can only be displayed in Moodle.)

  41. For family 2: (Julius has posted a website onto Moodle. The website cannot be displayed here. The website can only be displayed in Moodle. The sources, however, can be displayed here.)
    Sources are:
    CAMFED, The Campaign for Female Education
    Global Campaign for Education, United States Chapter
    Mercy Corps
    World Education and Development Fund

  42. For family 4: Hey who erased mine? rofl. xD (Jon Beech)

  43. For family 4: What do I have to do next? (Tadashi)

  44. For family 4: Hello again. (Dong Woo)

  45. For family 4: Rich World, Poor World in Page 14-15.
    Developed countries try to reduce poverty through aid donations to developing countries. This is given through government aid agencies and institutions such as the World Bank, or by individuals making donations through organizations such as Oxfam. But some people are concerned that aid does not tackle poverty and that other measures work better.
    Here are some statistics:
    Aid has been very important in eradicating global diseases. Since the 1960's, more than $88 million has been targeted to eradicate smallpox. This goal was reached worldwide by the year 1980.
    Sub-Saharan Africa receives more than $8.8 million in aid every year but has to pay back at least this amount in debt repayments.
    Between 1960 and 1965, developed countries on average of 0.48% of their combined national incomes on aid. By 1985, they were spending just 0.34%. By 2003, the average had dropped to 0.24%.
    Sources of where I obtained this information are:
    Here are some information.
    (Tadashi has inserted several websites on Moodle. They cannot be placed here because they are unknown. Therefore, it is not displayed here in this blog.)

  46. For family 4: Here's a website:

  47. For family 4: How to go to the JIS website? Is it (Tadashi)

  48. For family 4: lol... how'd you get onto this thing if u didn't know how to get into the JISnet? Oh, and what are we going to about the meeting up to do homework thingy? I think we should to the American Club! (Jon Beech)

  49. For family 6: How about this website?
    This website shows an organization of the UNV (United Nations Volunteers) working to alleviate poverty in Indonesia with the government. The program took note that Indonesia is the poorest so far, 63% of the population. There are many organizations, and it involves the World Food Programme, and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization. There are more organizations, but I only listed 2.
    Read more in the website above.

  50. For family 6: Hey guys, I have the powerpoint ready for the information. I will take Rahul's research and put it in. Hey! In addition, these are really good websites for different ideas on how to alleviate poverty.

  51. For family 6: According to the results of the poverty survey by the Indonesia Government Statistics Bureau in 2006, 18% (39m) of Indonesia’s population is officially poor, which is 4m more than 2005.

    · Poverty line: 130,499 rupiahs/month (urban) & 96,512 rupiahs/month (rural)

    · Poverty rate 18.2 % (38,4 millions people)

    · Minimum wage: 631,554 rupiahs per month

    · Unemployment rate: 9.06 %

    · Foreign loan: US$ 176, 5 billions (US$ 821 per capita)


    Gini Index{1}

    Population living on less than $1/day{2}

    Population living on less than $2/day{3}

    Poverty Gap $1/day{4}

    Poverty Gap $2/day{5}

    Access to improved sanitation

    Access to an improved water source

    Literacy rate, all adults

    Life expectancy, both sexes
    69 years As of 2002

    What are the challenges our country has

    · Indonesia is the world’s largest importer of rice, which is its staple food. Rice imports are one of the most common jobs of Indonesia, accounting for the great shares of consumer’s budgets and total employment. Due to the economic crisis of 1998, the rice import policy is become more protectionist at an increasing rate, leading to rice imports being banned. Results of this ban have showed that poverty has increased, since rice prices had gone up by 125%. The government had thought that the poor farmers would gain more money from this ban, but only the rich farmers gained.

  52. For family 1: Hey... it's Yusuf again... Now what should I do again... are we doing water? Oh and by the way, Juan, don't sing again, okay?

  53. For family 1: Hi, this is Juan, haha, Taylor Swift rules nvm. By the way, here are some information about UNICEF's project on water sanitation in Indonesia.

  54. For family 6: Please note that Rahul's comment above is information only for family 6. DO NOT copy the information into your notes because that will be considered as plagiarism. Thank you for your convenience.

  55. For family 6: The comment above is not placed in Moodle.

  56. For family 1: UNICEF supports the poor process of water at Indonesia. They quote "In Jakarta for instance 84% of samples from shallow wells were contaminated by faecal coliform"

    In 2004, 53.4% of the population obtain water at least 10 meters away from disposal and waste sites.

    Members of the UNICEF community have sent a response team towards Indonesia in this problem. It states that UNICEF has been working with the Indonesian government after Tsunami's and Earthquakes or other times of crisis where clean water cannot be obtained. There help came shortly after the Aceh tsunami has supplied 30 facilities for clean water around the country.

    UNICEF facilities offer water to those in need and prevent sickness such as Cholera. They have also created a purifying system that is capable to filter 11 million gallons of water each day. UNICEF offers hygiene education to 170 schools in Maluku at the Eastern District of Indonesia. This project as a result has benefitted 25,500 children.

    Ahhh how do you use the shortcuts in Mac I can't change my font size or insert a picture... (Juan has this information and possesses it. DO NOT copy the information down or else that will be considered as plagiarism.)

  57. For family 6: Rahul says, "btw, i Found dis great site. It's got facts of the president of Indonesia and how he's trying to alleviate poverty!"

    Rahul: Hey guys, keep trying to find information on education in Indonesia and how it affects the poor people. Also, keep trying to find ways on how it can help by using statistics over the years. After you're done with that, try looking for information about ways to alleviate poverty in general. After you've got the general idea, look for alleviating poverty in indonesia. I'm working a lot on this right now and i'm gonna need your help.

  58. For family 6: Here's a website that contains information on Education in Indonesia. I am not sure if you want it or not, this is just what I have found. (Sean)

  59. For family 4: Can you just tell be the JIS website? (Tadashi)

  60. For family 4: Uh... the JIS website is:

  61. For family 4: This one is about education. I know we aren't focused on it but i thought in case we switch again. (T-T)
    Are we doing the acting thing?

  62. For family 4: Hello. Where is Natasha? (Dong Woo)

  63. For family 4: hey, i'm here. <== check that out, it's got pretty good info.

    kayso, we're doing the acting thing? like when? im talking to dong woo right nowww.. (natashaaa)

    hey u bringing your laptop tomorrow?? it'll make it easier for us then we don't have to wait for a school one...

  64. For family 6: Hey Sean, do you think after you are done with helping Rahul you could categorize all the information for me in the Powerpoint? Also, we need a company willing to help us with this. I can do that though, and if I find someplace then I can e-mail them for us. Okay?

  65. For family 6: Here's how I broke down my info:
    Which organization(s) are we supporting and why?

    The Indonesian School System is large and different. It is the third largest education system in Asia and the 4th largest education system in the world, with over 50 million students in 250,000 schools, taught by an outstanding 2.6 million teachers! Indonesia (the government) is doing an exceptional job in supporting education in Indonesia, by supporting organizations such as The Ministry of National Education (MoNE) and The Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA) organizations are one of the main sources for helping children in a need of an education. 84% of the children are dealt by the MoNE organization and the remaining 16% are dealt by the MoNE organization. Since the economic crisis, Indonesia has been doing very well in supporting children with an education. According to the Law of National Education in Indonesia, the government and organizational funds spent on education has doubled from 2000 to 2006. In 2007, the funds had reached a stupendous 14$ billion dollars! If this spending rate continues to remain constant, more children will have a great education and have the basic work skills needed for the future. The MoNE and the MoRA ministries/ organizations have three main goals: increasing access to education, improving education equality and a better governance and education sector. The MoNE and the MoRA organizations are also becoming more popular, therefore being supported by other organizations in Indonesia such as Early Childhood Education and Development organization (ECED), Managing Higher Education for Relevance and Higher Efficiency organization (IMHERE), the BOS organization and the RENTSRA organizations. With the help of these different organizations, they are making Indonesia a better place to live in! (Rahul has claimed this work and possesses it. You may NOT copy the information down. If you copy this information, you will be a plagiarist.)

  66. For family 6: Hey guys; BAD news, after school tomorrow, I am departing for China. Therefore, I am not able to contribute for information. However, I will arrive back in Jakarta on Wednesday, one day before the presentation. Brianna, you might as well have to research on the best organization... sorry... But I will be in school on Thursday to present with you. (Sean)

  67. For family 6: Okay, thanks for telling me, Sean. I don't mind. I can e-mail them and get info from them.

  68. For family 6: Is ANYONE there by any chance? What websites did you use, Rahul? Never mind, I found them. (Brianna)

  69. For family 1: Hey, this is Yusuf, again. (Yusuf has posted a website onto the Wiki. You cannot see it here because there are also images in the Wiki. Adding the images to the blog may disrupt the whole content. You can only see the information on Moodle.)

  70. For family 1: I just realized that Sam and Shannon are not putting anything in here... and they said that we are lazy... right Juan?

  71. This forwarded message from Lina Sofiani goes to Shannon Beckwith who is in family 1:
    Dear Shannon,
    Many thanks for your e-mail regarding the above. Please find attached, latest data from Provincial Disaster Management Agency of West Java that we received this morning. You can also access more info on (click Asia and click
    Indonesia EQ September 2009)(See attached file:
    15Sept2009_SatkorlakData_WestJavaEQ? - 0600.xls).
    Let me know if you need more information.
    Best, Lina

    Lina Sofiani
    OIC, Emergency Unit
    UNICEF Indonesia
    Telephone:+62 21 570 5816, ext. 458
    Web: or

  72. A message from Shannon Beckwith to the organization of UNICEF from family 1: (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) Dear UNICEF,
    I am a student at Jakarta International School and we are wondering if you have any statistics on the recent earthquake, because we are interested in help out with this.
    From Shannon Beckwith

  73. Note: The message that Shannon sent was replied by UNICEF that is the comment above the message.

  74. For family 1: Hi this is Juan. We are not lazy except for Yusuf, who keeps on copying and pasting sites... (That is considered plagiarism if you copy it into your presentation)

  75. For family 1: Hey this is Sam when I get home I will post the answers to my questions which have some useful info about water and sanitation. (Sam has posted a website onto the Wiki. There is a table, but that will not be inserted here because it can disrupt the whole content. The information can only be shown on Moodle.)

    Also I will finish the powerpoint and write up the script.

    I need to know for sure who is going to be there and who is going to be there so i can make the script.

    Juan, any additional research that you find if you could post it here that would help THANKS! :D

  76. For family 1: Sam, I am sure that I am not going to present with you, just checked. :(
    Sorry... (Shannon)

  77. For family 1: Hi this is Juan, Sorry I couldn't reply because I was at Bandung. When will u send the script and the PP? Because I want to summarize info and possibly the script you're about to give to note cards and Yusuf has some useful information that could be used for the presentation.

  78. For family 1: Hey this is Sam, I will send the PP to your school email but can you write up the script for slides 6-9? and I will write up the script for slides 1-5. Also I will write the big 6 research template. Can you send it all back to me when you are done! and I will post it all on moodle. Also you need to do the bibliography!

    Wait I can't access my email, can u give it to me through hotmail?

    Here's my address:

    And here are some aditional info: (Sam has posted a website and some statistics on the Wiki. You cannot view it here, only on Moodle because if the site was posted here, it may disrupt the whole content.)

  79. For family 1: Okay I will give it to by your hotmail.

    Remember to do:

    The script for slides 6-9
    The bilbliograghy (use and only use the websites we used relating to water and sanitaion. The wesites are in the history section of the wiki.
    In your script include:

    Slide 6: How improving sanitation will break the cycle
    Slide 7-8: How UNICEF are helping and what has been done already
    Slide 9: Thanks for watching
    And add Slide 10 as a bibliography
    When you are done with this send it back to me!
    I will do:

    The script for slides 1-5
    The big six research template
    Post the all the work on moodle
    Thanks Sam

    Hi this is Juan, I finished the powerpoint and the script but I'm not to sure what sites you've used for the bibliography, should I send you the powerpoint?

    Hey, this is Samantha, Okay send the PP and script to"> I will do the bibliography. Sent it to me ASAP. thanks Sam

  80. For family 6: Hey Sean. Is it ok if I do the 1st 3 slides and you do the next three?? we dont have to talk about the bibliography, so dont worry about that.
    Everything is DONE!!! all we have to do is prepare it for tomorrow. The pp is in the blog thing. OH WAIT! the Big6 template, do you have it? cause I don't. ~you can change anything, just tell me. (Brianna)

  81. For family 6: All right guys, I have returned to Jakarta, and I am ready to work. How are we going to present our project? What should I do now? Have you completed the bibliography by any chance, Brianna? (Sean) (This comment was supposed to go before Brianna had replied)

  82. For family 6: All right, that is fair enough. Do we have a script for this, or shall we improvise some notes using the powerpoint? (Sean)

  83. For family 2: (Nikhil has posted a website onto the page. You may not see it here because it may disrupt the whole content. The website is only available in Moodle.)

  84. For family 2: (Nikhil has posted a Jakarta Post website onto the Wiki. It cannot be displayed here because there are images in that website, and it may disrupt the whole content. The website is only visible in Moodle.)

  85. For family 3:

    By jinwoo (Jinwoo was here, to provide informations to my fmaily members~^^),,contentMDK:20176969~hlPK:385022~menuPK:382201~pagePK:1497618~piPK:217854~theSitePK:226309,00.html

    By Jin Woo. Jin Woo was here to provide information for my family members.

  86. For family 4: What do I have to do? :( (Tadashi)

  87. For family 4: (Dong Woo has posted a website on the Wiki. There are strange symbols there, so it may confuse the audience and will not be placed here.)

  88. For family 4: I don't get that... What does that say? (Dong Woo)

  89. For family 4: Who wrote that?

  90. For family 5: This is Kan. Does anyone know how to apload word file on this Wiki? Because I want to share our Big 6 Worksheet. I put one site and one PDF file which might help our project.

    ・http://www.wpro.who .int/fsi_guide/innovative1.pdf ・

    And this is my worksheet.

    What information do I need in order to do this? (Consider listing in question form.)
    What is the mortality rate of infants? Why the rate is low in Indonesia? : 47 per 1000 living birth
    Why is it being how it is?
    ・Lack of medical technology, quality and expensive costs.

    What is the life expectancy? : 64 years
    Why is it being how it is?
    ・ Unclean foods
    * How safe are the foods that poor people eat in Indonesia?
    ⇒Relationships between the foods’ safety and their price?
    ・ Lack of medical technology, quality and expensive costs.
    How much does normal healthcare cost?
    ・ Injures?
    ・ Deceases?
    ・ Check ups?
    How can we improve Indonesian medical services?

    ・To enable poor people to take medical services
    ⇒ Lower the costs of healthcare.
    → Aid from government.
    → Donation
    → New payment method
    ⇒ Higher the people’s income/wages
    → To increase available jobs.
    * Business expansion of oversea companies
    * Business expansion of Indonesian companies
    ・ To increase the number of doctors.
    ⇒ To enable people to get proper education to be a doctor
    → Proper teachers/tutors
    How many percentage of young people (Under the age of ?) are smoking?
    Why is it how it is?

    Please feel free to edit this.

  91. For family 5: Hey this is Misato!! Ok, wow Kan good job!!

    I found a good article on WHO, its really specific, n its about Indonesia children health care.They put these things what they did to help them and they said it had improved so maybe we can use this site for how we are gonna take action!


    I put one PDF file too! This I think is really useful cause it has lots of evidences that we could use to explain why we've chosen this topic.

  92. For family 5: heey, this is aditi. i have a suggestion, i think all of us should use a different color when we enter stuff, that way we'll know exactly who's who. I'm gonna be this color ahahaha.

    anyways, i found this really good site;

    its an organization that helps children in indonesia. the website has a few facts, on malnutrition, not a lot. but i thought its a good site, because we're also meant to be looking at charities, and this organization is one possibility of where we can donate our money.

    another site;


    theyre also an organization, and at the bottom of the page there is a link to a PDF doc fact sheet, it's very informative.

    this is a good site too;

    it has a lot of facts, and there links to even more facts on the right hand corner of the page.

    this site;

    is good too. it actually includes how you can help solve the health problems.

    If you go to;

    at the bottom of the page you can download a file, its good, but it's a whole documentary written by about 6 people about poverty, health, and education in indonesia. so its a bit detailed, we'll hav to pick out only the parts we need. also, some of the data is a little dated. but some of their explanations are really good.
    same with this site;

    the article here;

    also has some good explanations, and one really good quote from a UNICEF rep, check it out!

    hope these sites are helpful!

  93. For family 5: This is Kan. I'll use this color.

    I want to clarify what each of member has to do. Angelo and I are going to share powerpoint that we will present and edit it together, is it right? Can you all just tell me what your jobs are?

  94. For family 5: Hey, this is Misato. I will use this color. So I think first of all I'm doing the bibliography.. But I'm not really sure which site we are using. Oh and which organization are we doing? I thought WHO was pretty good and cause they helped some Indonesian kids health care. You should see this on the site I pasted in the past. If you go there, there is more PDF files there and if you look that they say education (literacy rate) has increased however health is still a big issue. I think there is lots of evidences there. So Kan and Angelo, are you able to share the powerpoint together? If so, that's great!

  95. For family 5: OK, then I think Angelo and I can put every websites that we used so that Misato can make a bibliography. Misato, are you using Easy Bib? Then sould we put when we used those websites and anyother information about use of sources? Please ask for anything that you need to make a bibliography.

  96. For family 5: I'll use this as my color. So yea. I think WHO is a good organisation for us to do. And I think i'll email them and ask a bit more. k? This Is Angelo BTW.
    A quick question... How do we intend to alleviate poverty by helping Children's Health?

  97. For family 5: Hey, this is Misato.
    Bibliography so far;
    "Improving the quality of adolescent and child health care in Indonesia." World Health Organization. 8 Dec. 2008. Web.
    Lang, Susan S. Teens and Tobacco. Twenty-First Century Books, 1996

  98. For family 5: Hey, i thought i was doing the power point... because i can't really write a script without the completed powerpoint. and angelo, we're gonna donate money to organizations that support children's health in indonesia.

  99. For family 5: Donating money will not help alleviate poverty. It'll just help children's health. not stop poverty. When r we gonna meet. And I already said that you could put together some part of what we are going to say because you already have some of the powerpoint.

  100. For family 5: okay, i think we had a few more ideas. i cant remember them though, did anyone write them down? and check your phone for the meeting thing. and my jisnet email isn't working at the moment, could you please send it to me on my hotmail? its thanks.

  101. Note: Family 5 used colored fonts in their Wiki. These cannot be shown here, but you can see who say this message in family 5. Check the Wiki for a more colorful page.


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